Tuesday, February 14, 2006

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so , now you wont talk to me, Dave ..... just because I said its a little too much to expect me to be spending hours on Messenger listening to you moan about her. funny you dont realise you take hours moaning and I get impatient over all my undone work ..... yeah, you have a paid psychologist to listen to you too, but you PAY him , how abt paying ME, if you want me to do his job ....... yeah, all this sounds like so mean of me, but .............................. words fail me ( I bow my head )............ OK ...... let me tell you that everytime we talk abt her on Messenger, it takes you TWO hours AT LEAST , to derive some peace such that we can switch off, do you realise that I have given up 2 hours and have so much work on hand undone ?........... no .................... I give up............... ppl who are miserable only think of themselves, they are insulated in their misery, coccooned by a sheet they cannot break out of .......... only time wil set you free like the butterfly from its chrysalis ........ .( I'll just hope you get through, and wander away now).........


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